Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Low Carb Chocolate Cheesecake Dream

You know, many of the low carb cheesecakes I see have a crust. Albeit low carb crust, it still adds
carbs that, to me, are unnecessary. So with the vast pool of similar recipes out there - if you are looking for one that is a crustless, quick, no fuss, confectionary dream - then this is for YOU.

*note - I always post the recipe with the ingredients I used specifically. Feel free to use whatever substitutions you deem necessary. Just don't come crying to me if they don't work out for whatever reason!

Low-Carb Chocolate Cheesecake Dream

  • 3  packages organic Neufchatel Cheese or regular cream cheese
  • 1/2 Cup organic heavy whipping Cream
  • 2 large organic brown Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon fresh Lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon pure Vanilla extract
  • 1 Cup Swerve or other sweetener (if you like it sweeter use more to taste)
  • 2 heaping Tablespoons organic Cacao Powder

Chocolate Dream Sauce

  • 2 Tablespoons Organic Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons organic Cacao Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Swerve or other sweetener
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease a pie plate with butter, coconut oil or cooking spray. In a small bowl, mix cacao powder and heavy cream together until smooth. In your mixer bowl, add ROOM TEMPERATURE cream cheese packets, sweetener, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla and beat on medium high for 45 seconds. Scrape sides of bowl and mix again briefly. Add cacao powder/cream mixture and beat again until thoroughly mixed. Pour into pie plate and bake for 30-35 minutes or until top is puffed up and beginning to brown.

Remove from oven and cool on wire wrack for 1/2 hour. Place in the refrigerator to chill. While the cake is baking, make Chocolate dream sauce using above recipe in a small saucepan over low heat until sweetener is dissolved and mixture is smooth. Pour into a small glass jar or other storage containment unit.

Cut up a slice and serve upside down with a drizzle of the chocolate sauce on top and garnish with a bit of whipped cream. Prepare to indulge in decadence that'll make you wanna smack yo' mamma!



Tuesday, May 20, 2014

LC Journey, Day One: "I Embark"

Today I began (finally) my low carb "way of eating". I hate saying that. I mostly see that acronym referred to as "WOE". WOE as me.. *snicker*. I really wish I could think of a new way of saying that, so instead I say "Journey" or "Embark" as they sound more intrepid and daring! Okay, so I know the photos you are going to see here are NOT great. I am not a photographer (yet). So they aren't all that pretty but lemme tell ya... the FOOD WAS DELICIOUS!! Day one couldn't have been easier. I don't know if I'll be saying that by tomorrow, but we'll see.
I got up too late to eat "breakfast", so I ate lunch upon arising. I made a simple salad of pink salmon with bacon, dill relish, sour cream and mayo and put it in some romaine lettuce "cups". Yum. For dinner I had some rotisserie chicken breast with roasted asparagus and a zucchini/summer squash veg. medley seasoned and roasted too - on the same sheet pan because I am either lazy or a genius.
What I really took time to make today?
So, I heard about this new sweetener I'd never seen or used before on some low carb/ketogenic websites I had found while perusing recipes. As Brent (my fiancĂ©) always says, I look at several recipes and use them as "suggestions" to formulate my own recipe, 'cause I'm "just psycho like that"! It's called Swerve. I would see it and roll my eyes thinking it was some chemical sh*tstorm of a product, thinking all the while that it would be worth it to rip open a few hundred packets of Stevia until I got however much sweetener I needed for my recipe(s). NOW all that said, I don't mind, if, when on a diet, using an occasional sucralose or aspartame product (such as Splenda or diet drinks) when I have no other choice and options are limited, but overall I try to avoid artificial sweeteners like a brain-eating zombie. While great in practice, sometimes when sugar has landed you were I am right now - 25 lbs. heavier then you want to be and realized, 10 lbs. ago, that you needed to get the weight OFF before you gain more - YOU DON'T CARE!! At least not for the time being. I'll get back to "cleaning up" my diet but I have to start somewhere and FIRST is getting the sugar OUT.
Back to Swerve. I did some research out and about and realized that, while it may not be the BEST thing, it is certainly WAY better then actual sugar because of the SIGNIFICANT calorie reduction and the fact that the carbs in it are non-digestible fiber...which means that it will not spike your insulin and cause your body to store fat.
The best part? IT TASTES EXACTLY LIKE SUGAR. No bitter or weird aftertaste, no feeling of dissatisfaction afterwards. Honestly I felt really guilty with every bite, until I reminded myself that it wasn't going to affect my insulin and was low carb and low calorie. I've never had that luxury when dieting before so I really didn't know what to do with myself!
The recipe for my cheesecake is here and yes, it was absolutely magnificent! Even my fiancĂ© loved it and could not differentiate the taste of it vs. a sugar-filled, scrumptious cheesecake! He's a tough critic and according to him, it was "better then store-bought cheesecake"!
This was the finished product. Before I ate it. 

Hopefully day two will be okay or just as good, that's really all abody can hope for while dieting!
the Epicurean goddess